Little Lambs Christian Preschool

Immanuel Lutheran Church is proud to host Little Lambs, an environment that offers your child a social, intellectual, physical and creative pre-school education in a Christian setting! Scroll down for more details and information about how to register your children.

Completed registration packages can be delivered to the church or mailed to:
Immanuel Lutheran Church
20 Rocky Mountain Blvd. West
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 8E1

If you have further questions,
feel free to call us at (403) 892-6627​

Where are we?

Little Lambs Christian Preschool is located at 20 Rocky Mountain Blvd in West Lethbridge, within Immanuel Lutheran Church.  Our classroom includes areas for Dramatic play, Gross and Fine Motor activities, Books and Puzzles, Creative Art, Literacy and Self Regulation, Sensory Space and Gather Time.  Our classes also have access to the Fellowship Hall located on the main floor of the church, for use as a gymnasium. We have a play structure onsite, located in the back of the church that is used daily in appropriate weather.

Testimonials from our families

​”We love the teachers! We are so grateful to have met them and been a part of this sweet community that’s brought such joy to our child.”

​”Little Lambs is a gift of love from and by God.”

​”Our son looks forward to Preschool every morning. Miss Kalie & Miss Nikola are amazing teachers and go above and beyond to make preschool a positive experience.”

​”We have observed educational enhancement along with personal development.”

“Teacher Kalie does everything with love. We are so grateful for her.”